Sunday, January 29, 2006


After spending all day Saturday in church…and regrettably only half of Sunday in church…I am upset because I really wanted to see the new evangelist at the evening service…Oh well I guess I needed the rest…

Saturday and Sunday were definitely awesome! You know where to go for my spritual blogging right? If not…email me…

The pictures that you see are what I wore to church Saturday. I don’t think I have ever felt more beautiful. The Bishop requested that we all wear white and honey I did up. Tush and Ali had a field day Friday night teasing me about my church apparel… have over 20 different Sunday outfits and about maybe 10 during the week outfits….At my church…you can’t wear make-up…let me let you collect your breaths from the gasps ….Some people do it...But I don’t wear make-up …or elaborate hairdo’s…or wigs or weaves…I have to work it in the clothes..

Please note the elaborate gold embroidery on the sleeves. The outfit was cream brushed silk with strands of gold woven into the fabric. Pearl buttons trimmed with gold and rhinestones. With matching gold shoes and purse. I killed it with the cream colored rabbit poncho with the little rabbit pom-poms.

Also because I feel so happy with my natural look…I wear some mascara…and a little light brown lipstick…but das it!

It may seem old ladish to you…I will admit my style is ultra modest…I am loving it…and at Saturday’s conference…Pastors and ministers were there from all of the churches under my Bishop’s jurisdiction…and the words I heard were “You look stunning.. Elegant, beautiful, graceful”

Although my friends may not understand…but when I am around the people in church…I know I’m dressing right…and when I am in the street? I garner respect, smiles and admiration. I feel good this way…and I’m gonna continue even if yall do tease me…

When I church? I church!!!!

But what I really felt like doing was writing a fictional piece on EVE…now if you want to skip the Biblical portion of the blog ….Leave now…However…I happened to like writing and would like some input….


She knew what she was made for. When she opened her eyes and laid them upon Adam, her soul instantly melded with the mirroring soul standing in front of her. She placed her hands on his chest and marveled at the matching blends of their skin. Adam spoke to her in soft voice.

“I was wondering why I slept so long. I have never had cause to sleep past my normal hours…but what a gift I have been given on my awakening.”

She lowered her shyly and heard him say “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

“Woman”, she thought, “What a wonderful name to be called.”

Those first days and nights were incredible. The things Adam showed her! The wondrous animals, who performed tricks whenever they were requested. The big soft furry creatures named lions who lapped at her face and nudged her for kisses. Adam showed her gray strange creatures he had named elephants who picked her up with their long noses. The flowers that bloomed bathed her in constant fragrance. Soft grass that rose to a firmament whenever Adam commanded it, to provide them with a comfortable resting place. Adam had wonderful powers and she did too. He taught her how to use her gifts to pick colors and adorn her hair, she frolicked with him in the water, splashing and playing like mermaids, she chased him on the backs of giraffes through grassy pastures. Living and loving in Eden was totality of Eve’s existence.

Somehow the two became separated. Adam may have been off discussing things with God. Maybe Eve decided to play hide and seek and ended up by herself somewhere. For some reason, another possibility has never been considered. You see, Adam was God’s chosen one. Made in his image. It is entirely possible that God wanted spend a lot of time with Adam. This gave Eve some time on her hands. Enter the serpent. It is also possible that the serpent had been watching Eve for quite some time. Slithering behind her, sliding above treetop, gazing down on the activities of her and Adam. The serpent also knew Adam was in God’s favor and was perhaps jealous of the two of them. The snake was also aware of the one thing that they were commanded not to do. Eat one particular fruit. He knew that. He also saw that Eve was alone a lot. Adam was placed in Eden to “dress and tend” it. This was a lot of work. Although Eve was created to be a helpmeet, Adam was really doing most of the work. So Eve had a lot of time on her hands. Alone a lot. Probably wanted someone to talk to, but she didn’t have any children and Adam was not with her.

The serpent struck up a conversation. She was probably awestruck to see a snake speak. Previously she had only heard two voices other than her own, that of God and Adam. To hear a snake speak her name, probably stopped her in the midst of doing God’s will. Once gaining her attention, the snake suckered her quickly telling her she wasn’t going to die if she ate the fruit. Eve, having no prior knowledge of falsehoods, believed what the snake told her. What baffles the mind is why would she want to know about the differences between good and evil? Having already experienced the good part of life, why would she then want to know about the bad side? The desire for knowledge must have completely overwhelmed her or it could have been the nosiness. In any event, she ate it.

I could have expanded this but I figured it was enough for your Monday morning!

Remain diligent and strong in the Lord. The Devil comes in many forms and speaks with soothing voices, but stay on your path.

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