Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Sometimes you need a little cock


I wanted to mess with yall with a racy title...but it does suit this post.

Cockiness. Is it necessarily a bad thing? For me? No.

I know that it has been bred into me and may even have something to do with my zodiac. I also need it to succeed in my chosen field of study, and after I receive my PhD, in my careers as a writer and Shakespearian Professor. I'll break it down for you so you don't think I'm crazy...

Born Cocky
I was a love child and my parents were totally in love with me. I spoke early and was reading by 2 1/2. This caused a sensation amongst my family members: especially my grandmother. She exempted me from chores because I always had a book in my hand. I was classified as gifted early and ended up attending Hunter College High School. Hence, I have always felt that I could accomplish anything I wanted to. And I usually did.

Ram Cock
Most of you know an Aries. And we're all quite self confident. We don't boast or brag, most people just consider it that way. Don't understand what I mean? Check out the description of an Aries woman and tell me it doesn't describe me...

The Sun in Aries can make a person somewhat militant, headstrong and ambitious. She is also quick in both actions and wit. Her appearance is that of a dynamic and enthusiastic person. She is a leader, not a follower, and she does well in positions of authority and management. She is an excellent artist or craftsman. She likes to do what she wants to do when she wants to do it. She is opinionated and at times even arrogant. She can be insensitive to the needs of others (often without realizing it), yet she rarely holds a grudge. Her outward self-confidence can hide a deep feeling of inadequacy. Aries' personal goal will be to become the energetic leader.

I believe I can relate to it all.

A Career with a Little Cock

Ok...I know...but that's the last time I'll write that word (I'm lying but flow with me) As a Student and eventually as a literary professor/critic, I have to be cocky. The first thing you need to learn is to be confident in what you say. You can't write an essay and be unsure of yourself...Automatic F

As my mentor said "As you move through the Ph.D. process and progress throughout your academic career, you will see how important it is to begin from a position of arrogance. You are already making a contribution to the discipline just by being a part of it. There will be many people who will seek to undercut your voice, and some may even succeed temporarily, but you must continue to assert your position. Accept criticism, but don't compromise yourself just because someone doesn't agree with you."

I keep that email on my desk...but I already have it memorized.

Believe me, I have my faults...I trust too much, I can be naive, I bite off more than I can chew sometimes and I definitely love too damn hard. There are more, but I'm too cocky to list them..

But applied to my life? High self-confidence isn't a bad quality to have. I have a 3.7 GPA in my English Lit courses so it must be working.

I register for my Graduate School classes on Monday and I'm positive my cockiness will come in handy...

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